The little pink sweater that could help breast cancer survivors
Winter Fashion
Written by cjhammon in The Traveling Pink Sweater
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I ran across a beautiful line in The Little Paris Bookshop. It’s the story of Jean Perdu, whose life of quiet desperation turns to rage and grief when he learns the real reason his beloved Manon left him 20 years earlier. She was dying of breast cancer and wanted to spare him the pain of watching her die.
“It was the season for truffles and literature. The countryside was redolent of wild herbs, and glowed in autumnal rust reds and wine yellows.”
In some ways, the same thing is happening here; the natural world is changing colors. But first there will be pink, the color that’s come to symbolize Breast Cancer Awareness month.
Since my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2002, October has been a time of solidarity for her. And because of that, it’s a month that’s important to me, too.
It’s why my friend Jody and I started the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pink Sweater in 2013 to raise money for Pink Ribbon Connection, a local group that takes care of women recovering from breast cancer.
My family was lucky. Mom recovered. In homage to Mom and other friends and relatives who’ve traveled this difficult journey, we turned the Traveling Pink Sweater into notecards you can purchase, thanks to local artist Sarah Anderson (On the Cusp Design.)
The notecards debuted last Saturday at Stars of Pink, an annual fashion show where survivors walk the runway and share their stories. They triumphed over breast cancer, but we are the ones who left feeling victorious—ready to face any challenge that might be in front of us.
As I left the event, I stopped by the booth where the notecards were being sold. Two women (both breast cancer survivors, both participants in Indy’s only Breast Cancer Dragon Boat racing team, IndySurvivOars) were in the act of purchasing the cards—a moment of pure joy. I realized our little project had come full circle. (You must check out their site and see their racing boat!)
If your family has been affected by breast cancer, please join me in supporting Pink Ribbon Connection by buying our notecards. (They make great gifts!) Or do something close to your home to support breast cancer survivors.
I saw the valuable work they do when I shot this video, co-produced with my talented friend, Rachel Palmer.
Life is short. Wear the good stuff.
I want to thank all the women who participated in the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pink Sweater! You are all dear hearts for taking this cause into your bosom! (How’d you like that pun?)