What to do with a loved one’s clothes after they pass
Winter Fashion
Written by cjhammon in Features, Life in Yesterday's Clothes, Style
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One hundred and fifty years is a long time to keep and preserve a dress, don’t you think? That was one of the ah-hah moments from this summer’s visit to the Art Institute of Chicago for the touring exhibit of Impressionism, Fashion and Modernity. Many paintings from the exhibit were shown side by side with the original dresses worn in the portraits. The most poignant moment of the exhibit came with the realization that someone had to decide what to do with these dresses long after their owners were deceased.
Imagine having your clothes outlive you. If you’ve already lost someone dear, then it won’t tax your imagination at all. You’re already acquainted with the way mortality forces loved ones to deal with mundane tasks and possessions in the midst of their grief.
After Albert Bartholomé’s wife died, the artist carefully preserved the dress she wore in her portrait, In the Greenhouse. It’s said that the portrait was done in one of the happiest periods of his life. Considering the way he bathed Madame in chiaroscuro and brushed her in lush color, one could hardly doubt that. You have to marvel at a man who loved his wife enough to treasure one of her dresses.
This morning I completed my first necktie evening bag. It’s a trial run before I begin sewing with my family’s treasured garments—my father-in-law’s neckties. If there are enough, I’m planning to make evening bags and accessories for all the women in the Hammon family.
There are so many ways to memorialize someone by refashioning garments from their wardrobe. Check out my Pinterest page for some of my favorite recycled projects. Share some of your favorite ideas for memorializing a relative or beloved friend by leaving a comment!
Life is short. Wear the good stuff.
December 22, 2013 at 10:30 am
I still have a box of my Dad’s clothes – wild ties from the 70s and (he got a kick out of the wide garish ones, though he was in his 50s by then), a couple of jackets in beautiful colours. I’ve never known what to do with them. Mom didn’t really have any nice clothes by the time she passed, bless her. She lived at home in sweats and spent her money collecting stamps… That bag made from ties is a brilliant idea! Look forward to seeing more about those!
December 28, 2013 at 4:20 pm
Shelley, Those ties would make a perfect purse. If you get around to making those, please share. I know there must be a million ways to do these.
January 26, 2014 at 5:10 pm
My husband and I both lost our elderly parents within a 3 year period. We admired the clothes they saved for their craftsmanship and for the “secret” lives they led as revealed by the clothes from the 40s and 50s– well cut tweedy jacket, very slim pencil skirt (Wow!), and wonderful June Cleaver dresses are just a few we found tucked in the backs of closets. We gave away the finer pieces to loved ones who could actually wear them. Would love to frame one of the dresses or display on a dress form- – such gorgeous fabric and workmanship that speak of another time- – but there’s no room!
Maybe the dresses will stay where they are and someone else can discover them when I am gone.
March 28, 2015 at 3:50 pm
My mother had many talents: social worker, nurse, multilingual lady, fantastic parent to my sister and myself, and in addition, fabulous seamstress.
She had a deft touch with Ultrasuede, and I still wear one of her Ultrasuede jackets, and the matching purse (Ultrasuede never wears out, and classical style never dates). More to the point, I feel she is still with me when I wear them, and it brings me nothing but happy memories.
Thanks Mom! You would have been 96 yesterday!