The delicious in between season: what to do with yourself in October
Winter Fashion
Written by cjhammon in Features, Indianapolis, Style
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What do you love about fall? There are so many things to do and it seems like they all come at once. October is always my busiest month of the year and this year is no exception. Today I’m sharing my October must-do list. I hope you’ll find something here you’ll want to add to your own.
Get your holiday cards
I know it seems early to bring this up, but I’m already thinking about the holidays. Every year we send cards and goodies to a list of my husband’s customers. Guess who gets to make the bookmark? I always include a photo of him with an attractive younger woman, sometimes two. Not to worry. It’s always a niece or a great-niece. I try to get started early on this project so I’m not a screaming nut by Thanksgiving. If you’re buying holiday cards, jump on this 20 percent discount offered by Minted through this link.
Watch a football game
We’re headed to a Purdue football game with friends tomorrow afternoon. Don’t you love the way you rest after you’ve been outside for hours at a time? Despite having three brothers who played, I know nothing about football. My buddy Kim and I will talk incessantly. There will be half time and a marching band. Then we’ll talk incessantly again until the game is over. We hope our husbands will not be too annoyed. Here’s a perfect little cardigan for football season.
Take a sewing class
Golf season doesn’t officially end until October 18 when we fly to Las Vegas to play for what will probably be the last game of the season. Meanwhile, I’m co-mingling golf and sewing. Before Las Vegas, I’m attending a three-day sewing retreat hosted by members of the local chapter of the American Sewing Guild. We still have a few empty spaces for anyone who is interested in this October 11-13 event. Have you thought about taking a class to upgrade your sewing skills? There are several local resources in our area. Please let me know if you’re interested! Or contact the American Sewing Guild in your area. By the way, I love golf fashion almost as much as I love golf. Visit the site above for lots of history about women’s golf and vintage golf attire for women.
Go to the symphony (if you can)
We’re eager to hear when the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra will begin its season. Several concerts have been canceled and we’re feeling a giant hole in our hearts over the labor dispute, which has robbed us a fall tradition around here—opening night at the symphony. As one of the nation’s few full-time orchestras, the ISO is one of Indy’s greatest treasures. The start of the arts calendar also rings in the season of the little black dress, which is the next set of giveaways you’ll see here. I’ll start that giveaway series in October. Meanwhile, wouldn’t this make a wonderful dress for a concert?
Get closer
I’m spending two October weekends with people I love. Mom and Dad, the rocks of my life, are up first because they restore my soul. Later in the month, I’m visiting my friend Ann at her new home in Black Mountain, NC. We had hoped to visit this summer. But my family’s vacation destination changed from Emerald Isle, NC to South Haven, MI. Hence a special trip east for Ann. Believe me, she’s worth it. We first bonded over books and we didn’t let go, even when she moved east to be near her grown children.
I also celebrate the birth of one of my dearest friends in October. Jennifer is one of those people whose worst mood resembles everyone else’s best day. I get the privilege of celebrating her birthday in a most unique way. Her birthday theme (she always has a theme) is “Get Closer.” So for her birthday, she gave me four lovely cards. My assignment is to write four people and let them know that they make a difference in my life. No time limits. No accountability. Just a request that I do it sooner than later. Love that girl, who inspires me to think about what I’m adding in this life. Even on her birthday, it’s never about Jennifer.
I’m blessed. I’ll bet you are too. Won’t you join me in the “Get Closer” challenge? Jennifer gave me my cards, but this is a great excuse to buy a beautiful set of personalized stationary like this vintage bicycle set from Minted.
vintage bike Personalized Stationery
Start shopping for Christmas
The biggest fall festival of the year has come and gone. The Penrod on the grounds of the Indianapolis Museum of Art always kicks off my gift-buying season. I hope you get a chance to take in some fall festivals wherever you live. It’s a great way to find unique Christmas gifts and support local artists. Whether you buy or not, the people watching is great, isn’t it? I couldn’t resist snapping a shot of this little red-headed girl, already rocking her own personal style. Something tells me this girl will grow up to be a trendsetter. I’ve been thinking about a pair of cowgirl boots every since I saw her.
What do you love about fall and what are your travel plans?
September 28, 2012 at 11:25 pm
Love watching Peyton Manning play football!!!
September 29, 2012 at 1:22 pm
We are avid hockey fans. Well I am. My husband could care less about football or hockey. Since we relocated to Arizona from California last year, he is not able to go to the Friday night high school games with his boys this year. That was something he did very consistently, even though they have been out of high school for many years. My daughter and I would usually be heading to the delicious coolness of a hockey game, where it would be a cold snap indoors and usually 70-80 degrees outside. Well this year, no Friday night football and no hockey, even on TV. Darn NHL lockout! Let’s hope that is resolved before the NHL calls off the season.
My husband and I will probably take a day trip to Northern AZ so we can see some fall color and experience some cooler weather. It is still 100-plus degrees here.
Enjoy LV. I hope it isn’t too hot while you are there. If you ever decide you must have golf in the winter, head on down to the Phoenix area, we can accommodate you.
September 29, 2012 at 1:23 pm
Oh yes, I forgot to mention, love the cardigan and the dress.
October 2, 2012 at 7:54 am
Sounds like an absolutely lovely fall, Jill! Wow, I’ve never known anyone who lived in Arizona. Come to think of it, we should have considered Arizona as a golf destination. You’ve certainly planted an interesting seed with that invite!
October 2, 2012 at 7:56 am
I can see you in both!