Backstory: parenting the vintage way
Winter Fashion
Written by cjhammon in Life in Yesterday's Clothes, Style
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*** This vintage Pendleton jacket is from the 1970s. It reminds me of the CPO shirt jackets we wore in those days. Some stylists say a woman should never wear a look she’s already worn once in her life, but that rule is made to be broken. ***
After Michelle’s eye-rolling scene with John Boehner, I dreamed that he asked to borrow my leopard-print pencil skirt. There must be something in the water this week because even my Mom is having crazy dreams.
Mom dreamed she was negotiating an employment deal for my brothers and Dad—which is truly hilarious considering: a) the number of times the men in my family have shared the same employer b) the number of times my mother has moved our family with almost no say-so about when, how and what kind of compensation went with my dad’s latest job and c) my dad has been retired now for almost 20 years, so their moving days are well behind them.
“You don’t have to wonder about whether these guys can do the job,” was Mom’s pitch to the prospective employer. “But we’re not taking these jobs unless you’re planning to make us rich and you can house my whole family in a compound together.” I figure this offers some insight about what a lot of Moms really want: for all their chicks to be safe, secure and well within their sight.
Since we talk about vintage things here, can I just mention how different families are today from the way Baby Boomers grew up?
In no particular order and without any particular judgment of which is better, here’s a short list of noticeable differences in parenting then and now.
Then: If you got in trouble at school, you were in even deeper trouble at home. Children were presumed guilty until proven innocent.
Now: Teachers must be prepared to explain every decision concerning every child. Teachers are assumed guilty until proven innocent.
Then: Children were to be seen and not heard. If your children misbehaved in a place where adults were enjoying themselves, parents were expected to remove them for the comfort of others. This caused many parents to stay home, leave early or get sitters.
Now: Children are everywhere. Parents hope other adults will understand that children occasionally get restless, misbehave or act as children do. Adults who show impatience are often considered intolerant people who have either a) forgotten what it is like to be a parent or b) never knew what it was like to begin with.
Then: Children played outside and entertained themselves. During the summer months, mothers might feed their children breakfast and send them outside to play until lunchtime. Ditto after lunch, until dinner.
Now: The average child spends almost 50 hours a week interacting with some form of indoor media. For their safety, they can’t play outside unless they are carefully supervised.
I’m definitely a product of my generation in every way—which means I’ve got my own opinion about these things. But what I’d really like to know is this: what’s the best parenting trend you’ve seen in loving families who are conscientiously training their children for life today?
P.S. Check out 40+ style blogger Patti at Not Dead Yet Style, where I climbed on board her Visible Mondays.
Life is short. Wear the good stuff.
January 26, 2013 at 4:36 pm
Great list! And I love the your ensemble. The jacket may be 70’s, but it is classic and timeless. While our society seems to be on a downward spiral on so many fronts, one thing I have noticed over the past few years is the expanding role of Dad in the family dynamic beyond Provider. We have a number of fathers who come to the library with their small children for storytimes and other programs, who pick out materials with their children and who often just sit and read and play together. Yea for the hands on Dad and the great role model he provides for his family (and nonfamily observers.)
January 26, 2013 at 7:57 pm
Linda, isn’t that the truth! That’s one of the first things I think of–how many truly involved Dads I’ve seen doing everything so compassionately and patiently. Lucky you! You get a front row seat to see those things–one of the great perks of the job.
January 27, 2013 at 8:49 am
Both our sons are very hands-on when it comes to raising their children. Most of their friends are, too. They understand that because their wives also work outside the home, sharing everything about family life is only fair. Very different from my parents generation.
The Pendleton jacket truly IS a classic. Reminds me of childhood weekends in New Hampshire and Upstate New York. Wish I still had mine!
January 27, 2013 at 1:48 pm
That’s so true. Our Dad was very dedicated to providing for us and he was so fun when he was around. But he was like a rock star to us because he was so busy traveling and working that he was hardly ever home. Now, it’s assumed that Dads share in the raising AND the earning. Thanks for the jacket praise. It was in such good condition. Someone had taken great care of it and I nabbed it at an auction.
January 28, 2013 at 12:13 am
Sharp and chic! Who cares if the look has been worn before; you look great today.
Regarding parenting, all I can say is that it’s the most difficult job I’ve ever had, and I’m happy that I’m no longer in the middle of it. Although I’ve noticed that parenting is never really over!
January 28, 2013 at 4:47 pm
Amen to that! I’ve not been a parent, but I note that my mother still worries about me being out on the streets at night and I’m 52! Thanks for the praise. I love this jacket, too. It was so warm on a brutally cold day here.
January 28, 2013 at 5:21 pm
Love your outfit and your list. I must admit I think that many parents today let their kids run wild with no discipline. The best thing I see that is different is how parents show affection to their kids. Dads are so much more involved.
January 29, 2013 at 12:01 pm
I echo the comments of the others. Love the jacket and your list. I have been known to leave places if my children were acting up. In fact one time to prove a point I left the grocery store, cart of groceries and all because someone was not behaving. I found a clerk, told them I needed to leave, apologized about the nearly full cart and walked out of the store. Yes it was an inconvenience for me and most likely for the poor person who had to put away my cart of groceries but I believed in meaning what I said. If you tell a child no, then it has to stand.
I also am so happy to see many fathers actively engaged with their children today. It warms my heart.
The best parenting trend I have witnessed lately is the move away from processed or “junk” food by many parents. Teaching our children to eat healthy is so important and will have long standing results.
Have a great day.
January 29, 2013 at 2:07 pm
Jill, that tactic was one my Mom used! The message was–if you can’t behave, we’ll have to go home. It worked for her, too. I had not heard from you recently and figured you were very busy with your work. Hope all is going well there! How can I encourage new business for you?
January 29, 2013 at 2:11 pm
You’re so right about the Dads, Debbie! I think a lot of dads in previous generations realize that they missed out on a lot. Thank you for stopping by and making a comment! I’m blessed to have a few minutes of your time today.
July 16, 2013 at 10:00 pm
I love your list and I wish we could go back to the way it used to be! Everyone lets their kids run wild now, and be loud, rude, and obnoxious. I do daycare for a three year old little girl, and if she acted the way some other children I have spent time around act, we would never leave the house. My favorite modern parenting trend is definitely baby-wearing (which isn’t modern at all, but very, very old). Also, just to clarify, the world isn’t anymore dangerous today, the same number of kids are kidnapped, etc as they were 50 years ago, we just now have the internet and cable news, so we hear about all of them.