It’s our blogiversary!
Winter Fashion
Written by cjhammon in Life in Yesterday's Clothes, Style, The Traveling Pink Sweater
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Eight years ago today, this blog got it’s first post. A lot of things have changed since then—especially me!
I first thought I’d be blogging mostly about vintage fashion, but that proved to be a bit confining for the renaissance girl that I am.
Today I want to thank all the friends and readers who continue to follow even after I veered far from the original fashion blogging track.
To celebrate my anniversary, I’m inviting friends to share a story about their best fashion memory—and I have a free gift for all who share.
Submit your story here or in social media with the hashtag #lifeinyesterdaysclothes. In exchange, I’ll send you a free set of the Vintage Pink Sweater Notecards AND make a $10 donation to Pink Ribbon Connection (PRC), a local not-for-profit that supports people who are in treatment and recovery for breast cancer.
Yesterday was PRC’s annual fashion show, and I was there selling notecards as part of the fundraiser. As usual, I donned the remarkable pink sweater that inspired the cards illustrated by artist Sarah Anderson. What everyone loves about the vintage sweater: the neckline is designed with its own “pink ribbon” almost as if it was meant just for this purpose.
We generated $250 in notecard sales, thanks to the generosity of the women below. (All but one in the collage is a survivor.)
Among them was Jayna, a sister to my precious friend Jennifer S. (Pictured below.) Earlier this year, Jennifer was diagnosed with breast cancer, and she is just getting her mojo back. They came together and were seated with Jennifer’s healthcare providers at IU Health West Hospital.
One of the most meaningful aspects of blogging has been fundraising on behalf of PRC. With your help, we’ve been able to contribute all proceeds from the cards to help people recovering from breast cancer.
That’s close to $750 total over the past three years. And while that may not sound like a fortune, it’s my hope that our fundraising project has inspired other people to do even the smallest things with great passion and love. Here is the video that explains how it all started.
I have some fun new projects emerging this year, and while I may be a little less consistent about feeding this space, I’ll keep you up-to-date on changes. Deepest thanks for your encouragement and support!