Blogging collaboration: it shouldn’t be like a blind date
Autumn Fashion
Written by cjhammon in Life in Yesterday's Clothes, Style
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For readers and friends who participate in the fashion blogosphere, you’ll definitely want to read this post by Andy Crestodina about collaboration among bloggers. It appears as a guest post on the Convince and Convert blog, a company led by Jay Baer, a social media thought leader and author of The Now Revolution: Seven Shifts to Make Your Business Faster, Smarter, and More Social. (Jay became more than just another talking head for me when I saw him at a conference wearing a vintage-inspired jacket that reminds me of one my Dad wore in the 1970s. Think bold, think plaid!)
Here’s the reason I love Andy’s post.
I subscribe to some great blog directories that attempt to facilitate what Andy is talking about—with one major difference. So far, they seem more like a blind date than a way to start lasting friendships that lead to cross-promotion and guest-blogging opportunities. Sure, you can prowl the guest-blogging circuit on these sites. I’ve guest posted myself among this field of players––and received the requisite backlinks we’re all hoping for.
The results of such efforts pale compared to real relationships I’ve made by interviewing my favorite bloggers, commenting on other blogs, and sharing other people’s content in my space. Why work with strangers when you can work with friends? I think that’s Andy’s mantra. And to do that, I have to be capable of making real friends.
To further my point, the connections I’ve made through blogging matchmakers never seem to generate content that’s suited to my goals. In almost every case, the proposed guest content I get from these sources is horribly written and contains backlinks to brands that have nothing to do with what readers expect in this space. I’m not that desperate for content, so I hit the reject button—and wish I had been less naïve.
But there is a method to this madness. It’s how big search engine optimization companies are beating the way Google ranks content. SEO strategists load these sites with access to guest bloggers who actually work behind the scenes for different brands. There’s nothing unethical about it; it’s a legitimate business idea–unless you insist on complete transparency. But I don’t care to publish content that links to subjects of little interest to me or my friends. And the guest posts I’ve made through these connections don’t appear all that advantageous—in part because they aren’t closely related to my content. My fault, I know.
On the other hand, Andy’s strategy not only yields results, but leads to lasting friendships. It’s more effective, more fun AND easier. I’m not suggesting that my online friendships have the same stature as, say, my sweet friend Julie. She’s held my hand through life’s heartaches and joys since the early 1980s. But I wouldn’t dream of mistreating online friends by publishing anything less than the best possible content I can offer at a given point in time. Why not? Because, for me, it’s the rough equivalent of parking a beat-up clunker next to my neighbor’s nicely manicured lawn.
Have any of you had a better experience with blogging matchmakers? Or has Andy’s straightforward approach been better for you? I’d love to learn what’s worked for you. As if to illustrate the point, I’m linking up with Visible Monday at Not Dead Yet Style. Miss Patti—she’s had this whole relationship thing down from the get-go!
Life is short. Wear the good stuff.
Jan Graham-McMillen said:
March 5, 2013 at 5:08 pm
Look at us … probably the last two on VM. I really, really admire that top. So sleek and so crisp and of the moment, as they say.
I’m still so new to this bloggy-gig that I have not even considered collaboration until we passed some notes in class!
Always thoughtful, your posts, and often news to me. And that is what brings me back to a blog. Like yours!
Just Verte Style said:
March 5, 2013 at 5:17 pm
Crystal, a thought provoking post, as usual!
I would love to meet and/or collaborate with other bloggers such as yourself, but simply don’t know how. As you might have noticed, I’m quite new to this blogging thing!
Aside from a few fellow bloggers here in the Atlanta area (Jennifer Boles of The Peak of Chic being one and Jeannie of Gracefully50, being the sole other), I don’t know of any other bloggers in the city/state/region who are interested in style, fashion and design that would want to connect with me. And I’m not all that bad!!
I plan to follow you as you lead us through this maze!
Patti @ NotDeadYet Style said:
March 5, 2013 at 6:36 pm
Thank you for the very kind words! And I too reject anonymous offers of on-line content. My blog is like my “baby”, and I’m protective of it. I do enjoy making blogger connections the way you and I have done – via email and common interests.
Visible Monday is such a joy for me as dozens of women (of all ages) join in for a stress-free style party. So thank *you* for linking up, with your fab, flowy tunic and red shoes!
Sheila said:
March 5, 2013 at 8:24 pm
Eh, I’ve never been that fired up to increase my traffic. I’ve been blogging for nearly 5 years and I feel like I’ve earned every one of my followers. I feel like I know most of the commenters (some email me, some I exchanged thrifted finds with), and when I see a new one – like you! – I come say hi. Hi!
Good luck with your blogging goals. Thanks for visiting my little corner of the blogoverse. 🙂
Bella Q, The Citizen Rosebud said:
March 6, 2013 at 11:24 am
First off let me say that top is the best. I love its modest yet 60’s vibe.
I absolutely agree with you- in the past I was open to those guest blogger sites- but no a single good match was found there. Meanwhile some of my favorite content came from me asking a blogger pal to guest post- (there’s one coming up soon) and often times our friendship deepens as a result of the collab. And I got killer content.
cjhammon said:
March 6, 2013 at 1:09 pm
Okay, so it’s not just me! It’s good to hear that I’m not missing something there. Thx, dear one!
cjhammon said:
March 6, 2013 at 1:11 pm
I know EXactly, what you mean, Sheila. It’s so good to know people who can attest to these things…it just makes me feel that my approach really is pragmatic!
cjhammon said:
March 6, 2013 at 1:12 pm
Thanks, Patti! I guess we’re both on the same wavelength there. For most of us, it’s about far more than just putting content out there. Thanks for the kudos!
cjhammon said:
March 6, 2013 at 1:14 pm
Gracious, don’t follow my lead! That would like letting a blind woman lead you around. I think you know all you need to know–just make friends and ask. So far, that’s worked out well for you AND me. We know what we’re trying to accomplish and we’re just doin’ it!
cjhammon said:
March 6, 2013 at 1:16 pm
Thank you, Jan! How happy I am to be the first collaborator on your team!
cjhammon said:
March 6, 2013 at 1:20 pm
Nice to hear the same pragmatic voice of reason! I know EXactly what you mean about developing readership. It’s a long haul endeavor and I’m not discouraged by setbacks or lulls. So nice of you to stop by. I’m looking forward to checking out your blog.
Sue @ A Colourful Canvas said:
March 7, 2013 at 8:01 pm
I read your post with great interest. And, I also linked through and read Andy’s post. As a new blogger, I believed that jumping off the pier into the blogosphere was the only leap I had to make. It took courage on my part; and yes I’m a weenie, but I did it. Now that I am in the water, I am realizing I need to swim out to the middle of the lake. Aye yigh yigh! Attracting readers to my blog is daunting for me. And by readers, I mean people who actually take an interest in what I have to share. I admit, I was naive about the whole google friends follower thing, and had no idea that people have paid people to follow them on twitter. Really?!! The points that Andy lays out make a great deal of sense to me. I do, however, need to get to the place where I believe my blog is of similar quality to the blogs that I follow and would love to collaborate with. The thought of emailing a seasoned blogger and suggesting I guest post is a scary thing.
Good, thoughtful post, thanks,
Sue xo
Jenny at Sparkling Vintage Life said:
March 12, 2013 at 6:53 am
Thanks so much for this! I live in a rural area where vintage-loving “kindred spirits” are few and far between. I’m new to blogging and happy to find like-minded writers. Eager to “come a-calling” to your blogs.
cjhammon said:
March 12, 2013 at 1:56 pm
Well, how happy I am that you stopped to visit here. We will meet again!
LaTonya said:
March 17, 2013 at 11:32 am
Relieved. I used to be an active blogger and then I lost someone and I left the blogosphere. When I returned I felt overwhelmed and lost. So much information and seemingly endless ways to connect but I couldn’t find my way. Should have trusted my gut and did what worked for me, reading and commenting and supporting bloggers I enjoy. Taking time to build relationships matters so how did I forget that lesson? Don’t know but I’m so glad I got the reminder and encouragement here today. Thank you.