Archive for the ‘Coco’s Corner: Advice, Opinions, Etiquette’ Category
Tuesday pearls: On etiquette, fine jewelry and big ideas that change the world
12 Jun 2018I’m going to do you a favor. For a change, I’m keeping it brief with only three points. Etiquette…
Is Donald Trump a Narcissist?
13 Jan 2017Despite his material success, Donald Trump appears to suffer from a lack of personal, spiritual and leadership development. A majority…
Coco writes a ticket for inappropriate conduct with a waitress
18 Dec 2013In today’s post, guest columnist Coco McCann weighs in on an etiquette faux pas brought to us by a Dressed…
Coco’s Corner: How to handle a whiney co-worker
30 Nov 2012It’s Friday, time for columnist Coco McCann. Today, Coco covers the thorny issue of dealing with a co-worker who constantly talks…
Are you raising the next Howard Stern or Grace Kelly? Teaching etiquette to toddlers
09 Nov 2012Today’s guest columnist Coco McCann tackles etiquette for toddlers. But first, a note from Coco to readers: All the…
The “F” word: mother of all obscenities or freedom of speech?
18 Aug 2012Today advice columnist Coco McCann weighs in on all too common social gaffe–the “F” word. Dear Coco, I have a friend…
The demise of a polite custom: RSVP rebels and the havoc they wreak
17 Jul 2012Today is the first installment of our new advice column by guest columnist Coco McCann. In her first column Coco tackles…