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pink bouquet

Oh, the delicious feeling of waking up one day and discovering that you are Right. On. Trend. The first hint that shirts were making a comeback came this summer. That was confirmed today in Bill Cunningham’s recap of New York’s Fashion Week.

For once in my life, I don’t feel the need to run out and refresh my wardrobe this fall. I have just what I need—a closet full of shirts, trousers and skirts. My biggest beef with blouses is this: they look great until you move. That’s when things can get messy. The problem of having them come untucked may explain why dresses trump skirts among clients at Enza’s Boutique, according to Tony, who co-owns and manages the shop.

Wondering how to wear a shirt successfully?
This post captures the history of the shirt, with all its vintage iterations.

For more inspiration, see this article, which shows 31 great looks that incorporate a blouse, many of which are intentionally untucked and messy—contrarian thinking that attacks the problem head-on.

If you’re a regular reader, you’ve witnessed my ambivalence about shirts and blouses, which have been part of my wardrobe forever. Even when blouses didn’t get much respect, panned for their blandness, I’ve always felt good in them.

Evidence abounds of blouses as a mainstay in my wardrobe.

Here, here, here and here, just to name a few.

Remember when I considered the possibility of weeding all my blouses as part of my Perfect 20 minimalist adventure? The net result was fewer blouses, all of which I wear more often.

From my Buck That Trend series, you know I’m a rebel when it comes to fashion dictates–and probably a lot of other things, too. Rebellion is what brought Coco Chanel out of a comfortable retirement, if we’re to believe Karen Karbo, author of Gospel According to Coco Chanel: Life Lessons From The World’s Most Elegant Woman.

Karbo Skyped with local fashion lovers last Wednesday night as part of a book discussion sponsored by Fashion Arts Society, an affiliate group of the Indianapolis Museum of Art. We may thumb our noses at trends, but we’d be liars if we claimed that an occasional endorsement from The Establishment didn’t give us a boost, wouldn’t we? What fun is fashion if everyone doesn’t get to take a turn?

And speaking of taking turns…

I want to share two recent updates on the travels of the unique vintage sweater that’s raising funds for Pink Ribbon Connection, a local nonprofit that gives support to Indianapolis women with a breast cancer diagnosis.

This yearlong project, co-piloted with my friend Jody DeFord, is about to draw to a close. Jody and I were thrilled to see a recent post that shared a perspective we hadn’t yet heard.

As a medical assistant at St. Vincent Breast Center, Nikki Capshaw and her team help screen women for breast cancer every day. Read her post on the importance of screening and see the first guy who climbed onboard our fundraising project.

Amy Magan at 4thfrog introduced us to a 42-year breast cancer survivor, so long cured that she almost forgets she once had it. Amy reflects on the importance of a great family friend and what a difference one life can make.

As we come into a season of breast cancer awareness, I always think of my Mom, who enjoys taking a victory lap at October breast cancer events in her area. This is one of my last invitations to friends to join the Sisterhood by supporting the Pink Ribbon Connection here in Indy. When you make a donation, it will be linked to the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pink Sweater.


pink bouquet 2

What an honor it has been to join hands with women who care deeply about others. Today’s pink bouquet come is a tribute to all the women who’ve shared a message in support of the Pink Ribbon Connection this year—and to all the women who need a word of encouragement as they recover. We love you one and all!

Where do you find your favorite blouses? And how do you wear them in the winter for warmth? We’ll soon need to think about that, I’m afraid! To end our yearlong journey, I’m looking for the perfect pink blouse to wear in October! Now taking suggestions!

Life is short. Wear the good stuff.