
Welcome, sisters!

Thanks for visiting Dressed Her Days Vintage. I’ve been writing this “lifestyle blog” for women since 2010. (I put that in quotes because I hate anything that smacks of pretentiousness. It’s not as if I have some kind of magical life that you should follow. I hope mine is a good life, but I’m a hot mess just like everyone else!)

Originally, it was a fashion blog of sorts, but somewhere along the way, I got tired of the taking pictures of myself wearing one-of-a-kind vintage clothes. I’m more of a behind the scenes kind of girl. It all seemed out of character to me. And…I don’t know…pointless? (It’s not like I could be helpful by showing you something you could go out and buy for yourself.)

Eventually, I decided to let this project be the pink champagne I needed away from my writing job. I use it to say whatever I want, however I want–as long as it is useful or informative to other women.

I probably have a little different ethos than most of the blogosphere. I’m not trying to be an influencer or become famous. The blog is by me, but for the most part, it’s not about me.

DHD Vintage is a mish-mash of things women in my corner of the world care about:

  • simple pleasures, God and family
  • fashion history and the evolution of fashion
  • forgotten arts and sentimental objects
  • iconic women
  • etiquette
  • culture
  • art, books and music
  • travel
  • matters of the heart, mind and spirit

I also celebrate the upside of life after 50—even though 60 is so near that I probably need to rethink that phrase! My goal is to leave you with encouragement to strive for your personal best and to choose the greatest good—not necessarily what’s best according to the world.

For many reasons, I don’t play social media games the way I should. If you like what you read, please share it with a friend so I can meet new people. Writing meaningful things for people I love makes this work worthwhile, but I also love making new friends who might enjoy the content.

Life is short. Wear the good stuff.

About Editor & Founder Crystal Hammon

In real life, I am a professional writer who specializes in online healthcare content for hospitals and healthcare systems. When I am not working, I love golf and I read voraciously. My husband and I also spend a lot of time with my parents, who are in their 80s. Although I live very much in the present, I’m inspired by a lot of good things that have been tossed aside by our contemporary society. Writing about old-fashioned ways, style and ideas makes me feel like I’m playing a small part in helping people reclaim good stuff from the past.

Disclosure information

I like to be open about the practices I have for the blog, so here’s a little disclosure info, subject to change at any time. If I change my mind about something, I’ll let you know.

Sponsorship and Advertising

I work very selectively with companies that compliment the interests, ideas, and fashions covered by Dressed Her Days Vintage. If I ever accept compensation for advertising or post content that is sponsored by another party, this will be clearly identified for readers.

Product Reviews

I review products that interest me or my readers and friends. If I like them, chances are they will, too. Product reviews are always credited with language like, “This product was reviewed courtesy of Company Z.” The views and opinions on this site are purely mine. I only endorse products or services that I believe are worthy of such endorsement. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer or provider. If I receive a product I am not expecting, I can’t guarantee that I will review it.


The majority of giveaways on Dressed Her Days Vintage are one-of-a-kind vintage items that are part of my personal collection. I will consider other giveaways on an individual basis, but mainly for companies who are sponsoring posts.


I love suggesting resources and products that help people in some way. Some of my posts include links to sites and products that I find interesting. For the most part, I do not have business relationships with sites I linked to in posts prior to July 2012. After that date, it is likely that links you see on Dressed Her Days Vintage posts may pay me if you choose to shop with these vendors.