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Indy's first Vintage Diva, EricaT., also known by friends as Ericat. We're told she's ailurophile. ( You know...a cat-lover!)

Whether you wear vintage clothes or not, you’re going to love our Vintage Diva. She’s the real McCoy–someone who lives and breathes vintage fashion. And from what we can tell, she’s a total natural for the job of getting people excited about how to weave vintage into a contemporary wardrobe. Have we mentioned that she has RED HAIR??? Not that we’re partial or anything. (Note from the writer: as a fading redhead myself, I am rejoicing to see a redhead as the belle of DHD Vintage.) To all the people who have ever taunted redheaded children (you know who you are) we say, “Eat your heart out!” We’ll introduce you to Erica next week. She makes everything she wears look great!